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作文 > 热点话题 > 万圣节作文 > 万圣节童谣:五个小南瓜(Five Little Pumpkins)_350字

万圣节童谣:五个小南瓜(Five Little Pumpkins)_350字

2009-10-22 来源:网络资源

  万圣节童谣:五个小南瓜(Five Little Pumpkins)

  Five little pumpkins

  Sitting on a gate.

  The first one said,

  "Oh, my it's getting late!"

  The second one said,

  "There are witches in the air!"

  The third one said,

  "Well, I don't care!"

  The forth one said,

  "Let's run and run and run!"

  The fifth one said,

  "I'm ready for some fun!"

  O! went the wind

  And out went the lights

  And the five little pumpkins

  Rolled out of sight


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