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关于和平的英语作文:We love peace_1500字

2011-09-01 来源:Bsports必一体育整理

  We love peace, we don't love war, but in this world, and explosions and gunfire, guns far more than firecrackers and cannon-fire. We don't love war against war, because the war was not fire smoke cigarettes. Everywhere is a large, not only pollutes the air and the ozone layer, but also make many people lost their lives, and bereavement, lose their homes in biosesphere. The plants, animals, and only a few.

  Now, but less war in China before the war, almost a potluck, so that people cannot live in every day, a haunt of life. This is not only so, if you have to suffer, and the human has everywhere. In the battlefield, and the bloody too terrible. We don't want the world to kill each other, let all the peoples of the culprit is, we love peace, longing for peace.

  The bell to the world peace, not the desire for peace and war and death are all still treading on justice and justice is not far away from our. War. But we're not afraid of war, the Chinese people are brave, not bow down to the enemy, death, and keep the kingdom is dedicated to the brave warrior generalizations. They never forget the glorious image, a new history. I have so many applications, and for their soldiers died without blemish, and death will be their modern for example, "his heart stopped beating and dedicated", "death". China is a developing country, is belongs to the Renaissance. Also invented a lot of sophisticated weapons. What is the use of high-tech, others to attack us, we would have all the confidence to overcome it. There are such superb skills and die for the kingdom of heroes. Isn't it does not belong to our victory? Although we oppose war, but we are not afraid of war. Even though the war is pay a lot of price, but for the future life, is also worthy of peace.


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