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关于和平的英语作文:Make war disappear_1200字

2011-09-02 来源:Bsports必一体育整理

  When the war will stop it? I believe that every peace-loving people have asked it. Stone Age tribes from fighting wars to World War II as well as the first modern war on terror now……seems to be endless.

  Party to victory in the war will bring great benefits, but benefits the same time, it will bring death to both the war, hunger, pestilence and hate both. A jump of war, hatred, hatred of another shift back then, this is the continuation of the secret war. But war will consume property, will take away life, war, the end result will be loss of life, a blank, so people calling to stop the war. But how can we let this war will never disappear from the world, the devil do? War to get away, we must show forgiveness instead of hatred; let sympathy instead of cold; so ruthless ... Let kindness instead of guns from children's toy boxes disappeared; to war movie disappears from the TV screen……

  War to get away, we must all have broad tolerance of the heart, can not ask others to like you, because the world leaves no two identical, no two exactly the same thing. Who have their own beliefs, their habits……If you ask others and the same will lead to dissatisfaction with each other, which is the fuse of war Moreover, if everyone the same, that the world is how tedious ah !

  Also, the war to get away, but also to allow people not in selfishness. A difficult one, P Plus support, so that people will help each other, help each other, believe the war can not be grown in this environment it!

  The way to war with thousands of disappears, however, boils down to only one, that is: the world is full of love.


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