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    作文 > 热点话题 > 清明节英语作文 > 介绍清明节的初中英语作文_500字


    2016-03-24 来源:Bsports必一体育整合

      It's one of the traditional Festivals of Chinese. And it's a day in honour to Quyuan,who is one of the greatest poet in China. Qingming is also one of the 24seasonal division points in China.It is may 5th on April in every year. On that day, people will free of work or school that in memory of their ancestors. Besides parents will take their children to the countryside, where they may have a picinc. As the festival is in spring, It's warm and comfortable, families often go to parks to fly the kites.

      This is the Qingming Festival, I hope you can come here next year during Qingming Festival.


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