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    作文 > 英语作文 > 英语读后感 > 《威尼斯商人》英语读后感_3000字


    2018-07-01 来源:Bsports必一体育整理

         In fact, I don't think Sherlock is the winner of his life, but he may not be quick enough to be wise or not ruthless. At the end of the event, who is more ruthless than Sherlock does not want to cut meat, but is it not allowed to allow people to die? I'm Sherlock's words. OK, I'll go and cut it and see if I accidentally die, I'll lose my life again. When my knife was only a centimeter away from Antonio's heart, women would have compromised, and the repayment scheme was even more profitable for Sherlock, who had negotiated the initiative. But in fact, Sherlock first encouraged him, but he could not help it. He could only kneel on the ground and beg for forgiveness, so he lost. Just like two people tug of war, people who are discouraged at the crucial moment are injured more.
         In a word, this story is not a simple "base friend, an intelligence wuner". It is more integrated into the background of the times and reacts to the religious and ethnic conflicts of the time. We often fall into the rut of "the author has a position": since it is not a simple story about wisdom and justice, is it that Savon is ordinary for the Jews? Maybe neither of them. I think it is more in a story, the real reflection of the social life system, history, culture and the existence of oppression, discrimination, praise of good, and also face their own evil, impartial, to convey that "people and things in society are good and evil intertwined rather than black and white." On the other hand, the setting of "Antonio and babanho is a base friend", which is implied by many ambiguous details, further confirms that "the character is grey", because in medievals Europe homosexuality is a serious crime that should be hanged. Under the system of value at that time, such a setting conveys that the protagonists, who appear to be at the height of moral integrity, are also criminals who are inferior in morality.
         Let's talk about this one. I despise him from the bottom of my heart. Although his aristocracy did not keep his wealth, he had always relied on Antonio, even his wife's money, and then mortgaged his best friend to his enemy for marrying his wife, a man who wanted his life all the time, and made such a defeat with a grand reason, friendship, alas. Family friend, Antonio, you are still from Sherlock. Though he is dregs, he is sincere. He only wants your life and no wife. Then he took the money to marry the beautiful and rich Baocia with their money, but the tragedy was that Portia was still very smart, which helped him but also buried a time bomb for their relationship. Then Antonio had an accident, and he took his wife's money to save his friends, and finally he saved his friend by his wife. Completely empty handed white wolf, no way, who is handsome? He vowed to Portia that if the ring had left his finger, his life would not exist, and then he turned the ring out for Antonio's salvation, and again, did Savon imply that all the oath was unbelievable? I don't know if Baocia can live happily with a man like such a man, and don't know if she will live in an uneasiness every day, or she will ask Antonio to make a guarantee to make a vow. It's not happy.
         Sherlock is not a positive character, but he dares to fight. As his classic Accusation: Jews, like Christians, eat the same food, breathe the same air, are cold in winter, hot in summer, stabed by swords and bleed, humiliation and resistance. Imagine if a Jew had hurt a Christian, the consequences were self-evident. Therefore, Sherlock will start the idea of revenge, but it is also reasonable. To be exact, I think this movie is more like a group of fellow bullies trying to bully a lonely old man. The daughter and the enemy eloped, the property was confiscated, the religious belief was also asked by Antonio to convert to Christianity, and the white - haired old man finally lost his previous game in the court. At the end of the film, when the door of the Judaism church was closed slowly, the gaunt figure was left wandering outside. At this moment, my heart sore suddenly. For the Westerners of the supremacy of faith, there is nothing more punishing than the stubborn Sherlock, and nothing is worse than that. Different Venice businessmen, different Sherlock. In the same plot, the same characters will experience different feelings after experiencing more experiences at different ages.


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