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作文 > 英语作文 > 英语演讲稿 > 良好的礼貌英语演讲稿_1000字


2018-07-01 来源:Bsports必一体育整理

     good morning,every girls!it`s my honour to stand here talking something about good manners.
     manners exist in many aspects.having good manners will help you make good impression upon other people.
     there are different manners such as communicating manners in our daily life ,personal apperance manners,religion manners,service manners of different jobs and so on ,among which the most important one is the communicating manners in our daily life.
     when meeting people,westerners usually shake hands.americans and northwestern europeans expect a strong handshake,and some shake hands for several seconds.if your hand is wet or very weak,that is a bad sign.people in east europe and some arab coutries embrace and kiss each other,while the people in thailand put their hands together before their nose and lower their head and eyes.
     there also are other manners used in our daily life .when we are at table,and when we are on the phones,having good manners will make everything better.
     hving good manners means knowing and doing.no matter how many manners there are,what we should do is to gain the knowledge of it as much as we can ,and try to think for others,only in this way can the world become more harmonious!


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