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一年级英语作文:small room_1500字

2023-12-06 来源:网络资源

  The east there is a door, it is dark green, an enter a door, came into the fairy tale world, like Snow White wall, sky blue on the ceiling, the super beauty hanging lamp, hanging burning all day. The floor of soil yellow, give a person a kind of head of blue sky, feet tread on the ground feeling.

  In the west, there is a wardrobe which is divided into two layers, which is my summer clothes and winter clothes. Here are my coats and trousers. The bookcase is on the left. There are two boxes. It's full of shoes. It's warm. I'll take them out and get a tan.

  The south has a delicate desk, desk lamp, the frog alarm clock, a light lavender desk lamp, a pen holder, studying over stationery, I'll be here after school every day to learn. Under the desk there is a large bookcase, inside put some reference books, such as the "Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale", "Grimm's fairy tales", "the world wonders", the mystery of the world... There was a window on the desk, and every morning the bright sunlight would penetrate my little room, and the whole room was bright in the reflection of the wall. At night, when I learn tired, looked up and can see the stars and the moon in the sky, the window curtain is made of thousands of cranes, the door curtain a total of five lines, each line ten is difficult, I elaborate the origami birds are. On the right side of the desk, there is a computer with a lot of knowledge in it. It is a good helper for me. Whenever I have a question, I will ask for it.

  On the north side is a bed, which is comfortable to sleep on. On the left side of the bed there is a small cupboard with a cup and a warm pot. If you are thirsty at night, you can drink water. On the right side of the bed, I will put a pot of wintersweet, it take the bull by the horns, strong, obscurity, and selfless dedication spirit, will always inspire me.

  The small room is not big, but it is full of vigor and vitality. It gives me endless pleasure every day. I like my little room.





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