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关于和平的英语作文:we need peace_1000字

2011-09-02 来源:Bsports必一体育整理

  Throughout the ages, this world war is always constant. In our China, Qing Dynasty from the summer to change, for a number of rulers? How many times after the war? But who are the real victims?

  War, not only means a winning or losing the game, as well as tears, blood, pain and joy. Tears, in the flow of people lost loved ones in war out; blood, martyrs who die on the battlefield is the flow out; pain, is a national decline from prosperity to the nation's pain; and joy, is the successful expression. People do not want war, but can themselves lead to war, Why? Can expand their territory to do? To the people's happiness? No, no. To their desires, to their ambitions. Xing, the people suffer; death, the people suffer.

  World War II, Yes, it is very intense. But please think about this fierce war, the result of what is it? It is not enough for people to give warnings? However, as time goes by, the painful history has been forgotten, and also have the pain. Nanjing Massacre, Mukden Incident, Pearl Harbor ... ... sort of war, which is not full of smoke, no parting, no pain despair it?

  People sincerely from the heart cry out one word - peace. Peace can be painful into joy, peace smoke into the sky can be blue skies.

  We love peace, we need peace.


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