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作文 > 英语作文 > 英语日记 > 初中英语日记:日记_650字


2012-12-12 来源:Bsports必一体育整合

  童丹阳: Love may not be great, but we can find love everywhere, even in some small things, if we use our heart to feel it.

  丁清之:Even though we can’t see each other, but we can feel each other. That’s love.

  Jimmy: Love is more like friendship taken to a further level. It is a companionship that can last through hardships, joys, and even dull and boring times, with passion and comradeship.

  林鹏: Love is the most valuable thing in the world that nothing else can surpass.

  方驰:Love is when you miss somebody, like your mother or father and when you return the indescribable feeling that flls your heart you feel happy, you feel this thing is the most important in your life.

  王潜:love is when you are ill, someone will look after you. Love is when you fall down, someone will lift you.


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