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作文 > 英语作文 > 英语日记 > 英语日记:On May 12th 2008_1200字

英语日记:On May 12th 2008_1200字

2021-08-05 来源:网络资源

  On May 12th 2008, a strong earthquake struck Wenchuan, a small town in Sichuan. There hadn’t been such a heavy earthquake for about 100 years. And a great number of people were caught in it. Owing to this disaster, nearly all the water and electricity supplies were badly damaged. Moreover, many tall buildings including some of the school buildings were destroyed. What’ worse, many people lost their happy life and many children lost their happy childhood.

  Facing this disaster, all the Chinese cannot help crying with a feeling of sadness, and they tried their best to support the people hit by the earthquake in Sichuan. Many volunteers joined the team aimed at rescuing the wounded. And many policemen and doctors were fighting with the disaster in the place where health care was badly needed. But more importantly, the key to the reason why we can be successful in fighting with nature wasthat the people of disaster areas who had a forceful volition. They did as much as they can to cooperate the PLA and fight with the disaster with a strong grief of losing close relations and friends. Strong, proud and united, the people were the modern heroes of China. They showed the world that we Chinese never be afraid of anything. So the world thought highly of the extraordinary ability in rescuing the wounded.

  As time goes by, the people in Sichuan as well as the rest of Chinese are trying to rebuild their home. To our happiness , most of the people get their second home .

  Thanks to the PLA and the leadership of our Party , all the things go well.

  May the people there live a happy life and bring their beautiful city back to life in the near future.


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