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关于干旱的英语作文:You are not alone_600字

2010-04-12 来源:Bsports必一体育


  Before the coming of 2012,the drought of china is coming,in the southwest of china,millions of people suffer frome drought,and it is said that this situation has not happened for nearly 60 years.

  and fortunately,the goverment has taken many measures to protect the suffering people ,as you can see,the water is the problem.so to dig up wells is necesary.so soldiers are coming,they go to the place where motherland needs help.they divote their lifes just for the contry.and at this time,i can see the people frome community,not hesitate to give their hands to the southwestern people.

  I pray to god,i thank  all the caring people,it is you let our world filled with love.

  The people of the southwest,you  are  not  alone.


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